Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Don't Be Afraid

The whole idea about traveling differently comes with a sense of acquiring courage. Don't be afraid to go the wrong way or take the wrong turn. I have come across some of the most beautiful destinations while traveling in Oregon.

Here's the deal. We are traveling from Crescent City, CA to Cannon Beach, OR. That comes with a lot of time to explore the unexpected. Oregon has the most amazing landscape never to be expected. From sand dunes to the Pacific Ocean, all the way inland to the Redwood Forests. There is plenty of places to discover. Don't be afraid to do it.

Within my magazine I want to create a simple yet very intricate piece that creates the want to travel differently. Like I stated before that this was my goal, I know I will be very convincing. Maybe this isn't the way for everyone to travel but I can assure one that with the techniques planned within the layout of my magazine spread, the pictures I have captured, and the tips snugged up my sleeve, I will be able to convince anyone that this is a beautiful way to travel. Say goodbye to Disney World and welcome the stunning Oregon Coast.

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